Mathematics - Biomathematics
The Biomathematics program at Illinois State University was developed to help students understand how biology and mathematics are intertwined and how a broad-based knowledge of each area will be critical for future graduate study and/or employment opportunities.
The Biomathematics sequence incorporates cross-disciplinary research as integral to the curriculum. Students choose a series of courses concentrated in one of three critical areas of Biomathematics (theoretical and applied statistics, deterministic and stochastic modeling, or computation and bioinformatics) and conduct thesis research within the cross-disciplinary field of Biomathematics. It is one of several Programs of Excellence awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences. There is no other Biomathematics M.S. program in Illinois, and the few existing programs in the nation typically do not exhibit the strong and balanced emphasis on coursework in both disciplines the Biomathematics program will offer.
Illinois State's Biomathematics program is a member of the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA). Thanks to this membership, our graduate students have an unprecedented access to biomathematics researchers, educators, and facilities across the country. This rich and diverse body of knowledge makes it possible for our students to choose from a wide range of research problems, working with faculty members of other highly respectable institutions along with their home research advisers.
Point of Pride
Illinois State is a powerhouse in the biomathematics field. We're home to the new Center for Collaborative Studies in Mathematical Biology: Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance.
Graduate Advisor
Dr. Craig Cullen
(309) 438-7867
Stevenson 331C
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Discover what life as an Illinois State graduate student is like.
How to Apply
University Admission Requirements
A student applying to a master's program must:
- have earned a four-year bachelor's degree or its equivalent from a college or university that is accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association, or do so within one academic year
- present unofficial transcripts from each college or university other than Illinois State at which graduate, undergraduate, or non-degree credit was earned. The unofficial transcript should be easily readable and clearly indicate degree(s) awarded, courses and course grades for each term. If accepted, official transcripts can be emailed from the university to GraduateAdmissions@IllinoisState.edu or mailed in a sealed envelope to: Illinois State University, Graduate School, 209 Hovey Hall, Campus Box 4040, Normal, IL 61790-4040.
International students can learn more about specific application requirements by visiting the Office of Admissions.
Additional Program Admission Requirements
- Applicants must submit official GRE scores if GPA is below a 3.2 cumulative. Use institutional code 1319 to submit your GRE scores to Illinois State.
- Applicants who have a GPA of 3.6 cumulative or above will automatically receive a waiver of the GRE requirement.
- For applicants with a GPA between 3.2 and 3.6, a GRE waiver petition must be submitted to demonstrate academic excellence. The petition should include unofficial transcripts and a resume that provides evidence such as major GPA, peer-reviewed publications, grants, awards, and other relevant achievements that show potential success in the program.
You must have a 2.8 GPA (on a scale in which an A is 4.0) for the last 60 hours of undergraduate work.
Upload your resume or C.V. in the application system.
Statement of Purpose
The system will ask you to upload a statement of purpose. Include the following information:
- Your interest in pursing a graduate degree in mathematics from Illinois State
- How your academic and professional goals align
- What you hope to achieve as a graduate student in mathematics
If your background is not in mathematics, please explain in your statement.
Letters of Recommendation
Submit the name and email address for a letter of recommendation. If you’re applying for a graduate assistantship and/or partial tuition waiver, you’ll need two letters of recommendation.
Letters will be uploaded by the individuals writing them.
Letters should address your academic ability and the ability to communicate mathematics.
Mathematical Background
You’ll need a minimum of the following mathematics courses:
- three semesters of Calculus
- one semester of Linear Algebra
- four quantitative courses about the Calculus/Linear Algebra level (such as advanced mathematics, finance, statistics, economics, etc.)
If your transcripts do not clearly show you have this background, please explain in your statement of purpose.
Application Deadlines
- Fall (August) Term — March 1
- Spring (January) Term — October 1
- Summer (May/June) Term — April 1
Graduate Assistantships
The University provides graduate assistantships as a means of financial support. They are intended as a way to facilitate a student's progress to degree while providing important professional development.
To be eligible for an assistantship a student must, generally,
- be admitted unconditionally as a degree-seeking student into a graduate academic program, or have a minimum of 120 undergraduate hours if in an integrated degree program
- be in good-standing
- be enrolled full-time (typically at least 9 credit hours during the fall or spring semesters, or at least 6 hours during the summer session).
Graduate assistants receive
- monthly wages paid in the form of either a stipend or an hourly wage
- a waiver for 100% of tuition during a semester of appointment
- a waiver for up to 12 credit hours of tuition for the summer term immediately following a fall or spring appointment
Costs & Funding
See Student Accounts for information on tuition and fees. Funding for graduate students is available from several different sources. Students who have been admitted from contiguous states including Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin will receive in-state tuition.
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