Educational Admin/Superintendent Endorsement
Fully Online
The program is designed for Illinois educators interested in advanced study and preparation in the leadership, organization, and administration of public school districts in Illinois. Candidates should hold a master's degree, P-12 leadership experience, and a Principal Licensure certificate.
This certificate requires 36 credit hours for completion.
For more information regarding our graduation rates, cost of instruction, and the median loan debts of students who complete the program, please review the gainful employment disclosures.
Point of Pride
The Center for the Study of Education Policy, housed in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations, publishes three nationally known education policy research journals: Grapevine, Planning and Changing, and the Illinois State Education Law and Policy Journal. In the last five years, the center garnered $6.3 million in externally funded grants and contracts.
Graduate Advisor
Dr. Lindsey Hall
(309) 438-1301
DeGarmo 331D
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How to Apply
University Admission Requirements
A student applying to a graduate certificate program or as a graduate student at-large must:
- have earned a four-year bachelor's degree or its equivalent from a college or university that is accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association, or do so within one academic year
International students can learn more about specific application requirements by visiting the Office of Admissions.
Additional Program Admission Requirements
To be considered for this program, you must meet the following requirements.
Degree and License
You must have a master’s degree.
You also need to have either a Principal Licensure certificate or a master’s degree in accounting or business.
You’ll need to provide evidence of one of the following, depending on the program:
- Superintendent’s Program: a valid Principal Licensure certificate and two years of school leadership/administrative experience
- Chief School Business Official Endorsement Program: a valid Principal Licensure certificate for Ed. Admin graduates or a Master’s in Business, Accounting, Finance, Public Administration
You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for either the last 60 hours of your undergraduate coursework or any previous work in a Master's program.
Provide one official copy of transcripts from all institutions you have attended (other than Illinois State).
Submit your current resume.
Program Goals
You must answer questions related to the goals of the program.
Letters of Recommendation
Submit two professional letters of reference. You will also be asked to submit their contact information when applying on the on-line system. The letters should come from a person who has knowledge of your professional work, especially your work as a school or district leader.
The letter must address the following with examples or details:
- Leadership experiences
- Ability to make a difference in student performance
- Ability to work with colleagues and staff as a team
- Oral and written communication skills
- Potential to become a special education administrative leader who can motivate and support faculty and families and who can promote learning by students with disabilities
Also include the names and email addresses of two references for letters of recommendation within the online application.
Application Deadlines
- Fall Term — March 15, rolling admission after if space permits with coordinator approval
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